Chapter 119 You\'re Unreasonable

Mrs. Clement, however, smiled coldly. She knew that Lexi was scared. Moreover, she had investigated the Rivera family before.

Otherwise, she would not have come here tonight.

Zofia Rivera had a brother who was still in college. Her dad was sick. The Rivera family relied on this restaurant.

Mrs. Clement looked at her son with a cold smile and said arrogantly, "Buddy, if you still have anything to do with Zofia, I will put this restaurant out of business."

Upon hearing this, Zofia was so scared that she took a few steps back.

If this restaurant was out of business, what should they do?

How were they going pay for her brother's education?

She knew Buddy's status. She thought that as long as she worked hard, she would be approved by the Clement family.

She was too naive. A wealthy family would not accept a girl from a mediocre background.

She didn't deserve Buddy!

She didn't deserve him in his heart or in his mother's eyes.

It was time for her to wake up from her dream!