Chapter 125 Haven Is Your Fiancee

Hearing Mrs. Clement's words, Victor finally understood why Eden had distanced herself from him.

"Mrs. Clement, you misunderstood..."

"Oh... Is that so?" Mrs. Clement suddenly interrupted Eden with a cold smile. 

She approached Eden step by step and said coldly with disdain, "I only believe in what I saw. You are seducing Victor!"

Hearing this, Eden lowered her head. She wanted to get away from Victor, but the coincidence made Mrs. Clement misunderstand.

Victor's aura became powerful and cold, causing the atmosphere to be tense.

"Auntie, please mind your words. It's none of your business." Her cold voice was as sharp as a knife, which made Mrs. Clement feel cold.

Mrs. Clement frowned and looked at Victor unbelievably. This was the first time that Victor had talked to her like this for so many years.

He did it for a woman!

On the other hand, Haven was overwhelmed by nervousness and fear.

She couldn't take Victor's anger.