Chapter 146 Chapter Work Makes It Everything

"Oh!" Darlene looked at Eden seriously with deep meaning in her beautiful eyes.

The Clements, who had just walked over, all looked at Eden in surprise when they heard that.

Haven was especially shocked. It seemed that Darlene planned to be Eden's teacher.

Being Darlene's student was a blessing. Jealousy filled Haven's heart.

When she was in college, he heard that Darlene wanted to have a student. However, over the past few years, she still did not find a suitable one.

Haven majored in costume design. On the one hand, she could help her family. On the other hand, she wanted to be Darlene's student. In this way, she would have a higher status in the Clement family.

She didn't know that Darlene would be here.

However, Victor introduced Darlene to Eden, not her! She was his fiancee!

"Haven, let's go greet Darlene!" Mrs. Clement could tell that Darlene planned to take Eden as her student.

But she would not let that happen.

"Okay! Mom!" Haven instantly cheered up.