Chapter 149 You Have to Put On A Good Show Tonight

"Eden, how did you know Mr. Calder?" Victor asked.

Eden smiled and said, "Uncle Calder is my mother's friend. He takes good care of me and my mother. He would bring my family out to play occasionally. We got familiar after that."

"Oh!" Victor looked at her in confusion. "Then what's the matter with your mother?" Victor was a little confused. Wasn't she Cyan? Why did she suddenly have another mother?

Eden was about to speak when a waiter came over with a wine tray. He handed a glass of wine to Victor when he saw that Victor’s glass was empty.

The waiter managed to spike the drink before Victor accepted the glass of wine with a sullen face.

Victor swirled his wine and turned around before glanced in front with his dark eyes.

He raised his glass at Rebecca and Haven before he drank all the wine.

Haven only felt at ease when she saw Victor drink the wine!