Chapter 152 She Does Not Have An Easy Life

"I... "

"Oh my! It's so interesting. Miss Gerard, you have humiliated the design director of Alwynn Group and also Victor. I wonder if the business collaboration between Victor and the Gerard family will still continue if I show this video to Victor?" Adonis said while he recorded the whole incident with his mobile phone.

Kelly was scared when she heard what Adonis said.

Eden was slightly surprised when she heard that. This person was even more vicious. He had even recorded a video.

Kelly hurriedly explained, "Mr Church, I didn't mean it." She just wanted to teach Eden a lesson.

"I bet you did in on purpose." Adonis retorted with a smile while recording the video.

Why did she have to provoke Victor's woman? Moreover, she did it in front of so many people.

Moreover, she was the woman he was responsible for protecting.

Adonis was not afraid that Victor would be mad at him with the video he recorded.