Chapter 155 The Show Has Begun

Eden looked at Aisling for a while before she said, "Mrs. Clement, don't go too far. Why do you keep thinking that Victor and I are together? You even asked me to let Victor go. Hehe..." Eden sneered.

She said sarcastically as she looked at the speechless Aisling, "Mrs. Clement, you have watched Victor grow up. Is he the kind of man that I can control?

Mrs. Clement, I'm telling you one last time. There’s nothing between Victor and I.

Please don't involve me and Victor together in the future." After saying that, Eden turned and left.

This time, Aisling was at a loss for words because she was refuted by Eden. She could only watch Eden's back slowly fade away.

How could that be?

Even if Eden didn't have anything to do with Victor, Victor’s attitude towards her was still odd.

Aisling had never seen Victor care so much about a woman.

Eden was indeed the first one.

Aisling stood at the same spot. She lowered her head and fell into deep thought.