Chapter 159 Victor\' Lived Up to His Reputation As A Ruthless Person

Eden nodded. "Now..."

"Eden, go back to the room and rest for a while. I will come and call you when it’s time to leave." Victor said as he opened the door of the room with his muscular arms.

Eden glanced at him with no expression on her face before she turned and went back to her room.

Victor smiled gently as he watched her enter the room.

He closed the door and glanced at Lucian.

Lucian nodded and walked towards another room.

The three other men followed Lucian to the room.

Lucian turned on his laptop and the explicit scene appeared again.

Lucian laughed coldly. He turned the volume down and clicked away the disgusting scene.

Anson smiled and said, "They thought that it would be fine if they cut the power supply. Unfortunately, they underestimated Secretary Ronald because he is actually a computer expert."

Victor sat on the sofa with an extremely sullen expression on his face.