Chapter 162 How Would They Look Like A Married Couple?

"I..." Eden wanted to speak but stopped on second thoughts. She did not want to just reject his good intentions.

She simply didn't want to have any contact with him except for work. He was the main culprit for everything that had happened today.

Victor looked at Eden’s behavior and raised his eyebrows. His handsome face was tinged with a touch of gentleness. "Eden, I know where the supermarket is located. I'll take you there later."

What else could Eden say? She could only remain silent.

She took out her mobile phone and glanced at the time. It was just over nine o'clock.

She sent a message to Jasper and told him not to pick her up anymore. Since it was still early, Jasper would not be worried about her.

She sent the message quickly and Jasper was quick to reply too. He asked Eden to be careful and to call him if something happened.

Eden smiled and replied okay and added a mischievous emoji.

She then sent a message to Zaiden, telling him that she had already left.