Chapter 174 Mind Your Own Business

"I'll marry Haven. I'll marry Haven. Dad's right. Love can be fostered. Besides, Haven and I grew up together. We have some feelings more or less." Vincent said with a smile.

Everyone’s expressions changed when they heard this.

Wyatt said with a solemn face, "Vincent, marriage is not a trifle  matter. Have you really thought about this? Haven is the daughter of the Clement family. We won't let her be wronged. However, we would not force you if you have no feelings for Haven."

Vincent rubbed his nose. Wyatt had asked the wrong person.

He should have asked Haven. Marriage was not a trifle but Haven was treating it as one at the moment. 

She clearly liked Victor but she wanted to marry Vincent. Vincent could only marry Haven now since Philip had already threatened him with the Jotham Alwynn Group. 

Vincent could have any woman he wanted as long as he had the Jotham Alwynn Group. Thus, he did not mind marrying Haven.