Chapter 180 I Have Something to Do and I Want to Take A Half-day Leave

Those who live in confusion are happy most of the time whereas those who live in sobriety are easily troubled.

The sentence seemed to tell the whole story of her life.

Eden held her chin gently and quietly stared at the words with her bright and beautiful eyes.

Sometimes, the things you lose in life never truly belong to you. 

The most despicable thing was nothing else but feelings, whereas the most disappointing thing was the human heart.

Darlene’s biggest regret of her life was that she had never had a successful relationship.

But why was her theme autumnal?

Eden did not give up and she continued to search for information about Darlene.

She didn't find anything unusual until ten o’clock at night.

She leaned back on the chair with a lollipop in her mouth and a serious expression on her face. She combed through all the information she had gathered in her head.

Eden's task for today was considered complete.

Her cell phone vibrated suddenly.