Chapter 194 He Was Kind and Loyal Even Though He Was Cold


Anson had asked for it himself. Who could he blame?

Victor looked at the front coldly and saw that the cars in front of him had started to move slowly.

He roared, "Quickly follow them. See which hospital they are heading to."

"Got it. I'm following them now. Victor, don't always yell at me. I also have a temper." There was a helpless look on Anson’s face as he spoke.

He was so angry that his breathing had become rapid. However, he still suppressed it.

Victor's cold and worried voice made Anson feel angry and distressed at the same time.

To Anson, Adonis, and Lucian, Victor was overbearing, cold and ruthless to a point of annoyance.

However, they were the only ones who knew about Victor’s past. They understood his pain and felt sorry for him.

He was kind and loyal even though he was cold!

Of course, he only treated them in such a way.