Chapter 201 The Same Scars

Anson quickly said, "Director Bleu, you are lying. Where did the blood on your dress come from?"

Eden lowered her head and looked down. Blood was seeping out from her wound.

She looked up and saw Victor looking at her with a sullen face.

She instantly felt as though she had made a big mistake and was caught red-handed.

At that moment, Eden seemed to hear the furious roar in Victor's heart.

She curled up his hands slightly, just like a child who had done something wrong. She lowered her head and dared not look at Victor.

Victor's gaze gradually fell to her knees, and the faint blood stains stung his eyes. He was so angry that he felt like strangling her on impulse.

How dared Eden conceal her injuries from him?

Victor quickly crouched down in front of Eden and slowly lifted the hem of her skirt with his slender fingers.

He saw a vertical wound covering the old scars on her knees.