Chapter 203 Get Out

Anson looked at Victor and nodded. "I'll go right now. This is your life-long wish. If I settle this today, I don't have to work so hard for you anymore."

If Anson had stayed and watched Victor behaving in such a manner, he would definitely thought he had seen a ghost and his heart might not be able to stand it.

Victor's behavior this morning had taken Anson aback for a while.

Anson got up. He had to serve Victor first no matter how tired he was so he could have a better life.

Victor sat on a leather rocking chair after Anson left. There was a hint of gentle smile in his dark eyes. It seemed as if his entire world had regained its original state.

There was a slight noise in the room inside at the moment.

Victor’s eyes darkened suddenly. He got up and walked into the room.

Haven was lying sleepily on the soft and large bed that he usually rested on.

Victor's dark eyes turned cold instantly and he had a terrifyingly sullen expression on his face.