Chapter 217 He Cherished Time and Time Rewarded Him

Victor glanced at Eden who was talking on the phone. He picked up the watch. His pupils shrank when she saw the familiar patterns at the back of the watch. That was his personal custom-made watch.

The watch was gone when he woke up that day. Apparently, the woman who was with him that night took the watch away when she was leaving frantically.

His previous ring that was a gift from his mother had also disappeared on the same night.

He looked inside the box but he didn't see the ring.

Eden had his watch all along but she had casually left it there. It seemed as though she had no intention to find her children’s father.

Was that night so humiliating to her?

Victor quickly rejected that idea.

He pursed his lips slightly. She was set up by the Gienger family that night. However, she was not humiliated by the fact that she had given birth to children before she was married. On the contrary, she worked hard to raise the children.