Chapter 219 Help Me Check A Phone Number

Bethany glanced at him and asked doubtfully, "Brody, are you going out this weekend?"

Brody did not look back but responded calmly.

"I'm going to meet a friend this weekend."

Brody always used the same excuse of meeting his friends to go out the whole day every weekend. Sometimes, he didn't even come back home at night.

Bethany was in a bad mood. When she saw that he didn't even look at her, anger surged in her heart.

She roared fiercely, "You go out every Saturday and you don’t even come back sometimes. Who are you actually seeing?"

Brody had already put on his tie. When he turned back and saw the exhausted Bethany, he frowned slightly and said unpleasantly, "Bethany, can't you be more gentle? I am usually at work. I meet my friends on the weekends to relax. Do you even want to take control of this?"  

"You don't need to go there every weekend, do you?" Bethany was puzzled.