Chapter 222 You Had Owed A Kid Like Me A Favor

Eden could still hear Victor’s joyful voice from the room when she walked out of the room.

She knew that Victor was very dangerous when she first saw him. However, he was now taking the initiative to provoke her.

Eden suddenly regretted coming to River City. Her plan was half a year later.

However, there would always be a lot of unexpected events in life.

Eden took a deep breath and smiled confidently. It was fine to encounter  unforeseen events.

Her life was filled with many unforeseen circumstances.

She looked at the sign and went to the restroom.

In the room, after Eden left.

Kenneth suddenly looked at Victor gloomily and asked, "Mr. Alwynn, what exactly do you want from my mother? You even used me as an excuse. Mr. Alwynn, you had owed a kid like me a favor."

Victor was secretly shocked when he saw Kenneth’s sudden change of expression. He had been acting all this while just to reassure Eden.