Chapter 229 You Think Too Much

"Lucian, I will call your mother later and tell her about this..."

"You can do whatever you like, Mrs. Clement. My mother is a reasonable person. She is not like some people who would twist the facts because of jealousy."

Lucian’s last sentence was the truth.

"Lucian, you..." Aisling was so angry that her entire body trembled. She glared at Eden viciously before she pulled Haven’s hand and left.

Lucian glanced at Eden and his attitude changed instantly. He smiled gently and said, "Eden, where are you going?"

Eden smiled apologetically. "Secretary Ronen, I am going to the restroom. I'm sorry!"

After finishing her words, Eden left.

Lucian smiled faintly and looked at Eden's back. He narrowed his eyes slightly.

One would be more stable if he kept a low profile of himself. On the other hand, he would be more remarkable if he did things in a high profile.

Eden was the kind of person who would keep a low profile of herself but do things in a high profile.