Chapter 232 Was There Anything More Miserable Than This?

"Great!" Eden smiled and nodded. She was thinking of Zofia at the moment.

As soon as Victor and Kenneth turned around, she immediately went after Haven.

After walking for a while, Victor and Kenneth stopped at the same time. They looked back and saw Eden crossing the road in a hurry.

Victor looked at Kenneth with a smile and asked, "Kenny, why did you stop?"

Kenneth glanced at Victor, who seemed to be aware of everything and smiled. "Uncle Victor, didn’t you stop too?"

Victor smiled wickedly and said, "It's obvious that your mother was trying to draw us away." 

"That’s right! There would usually be drinks at ordinary food stalls. We don't need to buy them in the supermarket. Why don't we follow my mother and see what she had actually seen?" Eden looked very anxious and worried just now.

Victor heard Kenneth’s words and nodded approvingly. He said, "Kenny, I was thinking the same. Let's go!"