Chapter 239 Why Don\'t You Ask Yourself?

"What? How is that possible?" Bethany didn't believe that her secretary couldn't even find the address.

"Madam, we have used many methods but we really can't find the address."

"Okay!" Bethany hung up the phone angrily.

The light in the room was not switched on but the outline of all the items there could still be seen.

Bethany stood up from the sofa and walked back and forth restlessly.

Who sent the message?

Could it be Eden?

Bethany thought for a while and suddenly went downstairs.

Myra was sitting on the sofa in the living room downstairs. She was playing PUBG with her friends.

When she heard the sound of footsteps downstairs, she looked up and asked casually, "Mom, Abby said that you were not feeling well and you didn't come down to eat. Are you feeling better now?"

Bethany glared at her and said, "You didn’t even come upstairs to bring me a glass of water when I'm not feeling well. You only know how to play games every day but not reading books."