Chapter 241 A Heart-breaking Scene Flashed Across Her Mind

That was the biggest debt she owed to her three children.

Eden did not feel good deep down in her heart!

Kenneth thought for a moment before he asked, "Mom, are you happy? Why do I feel that you look very nervous when you see Uncle Victor?"

Eden forced a smile when she heard that. "Kenny, did you see wrongly? Why would I be nervous?"

Eden thought about it for a while. She only felt nervous the first time she met Victor.

Her nervousness was gone after she talked to him.

Kenneth thought for a moment and asked, "Mom, have you met Uncle Victor before?"

Eden shook her head and said, "Kenny, why did you ask that? I only met him when I came back here. I don’t think I have met him before."

Eden thought for a while and was sure that she hadn't met Victor before.

Kenneth smiled and did not ask any more questions. Didn't Eden notice that her children looked very similar to Victor?

What a silly mother. She only thought about raising the three of them but never thought of herself.