Chapter 269 Don\'t Simply Make Accusations

Victor brought Eden and Riley to the underground parking lot to pick up his car.

Victor drove his car and headed to the Jotham Alwynn Group.

Anson was the first to arrive at the Jotham Alwynn Group.

He went straight to Phillip's office.

Phillip was reading the financial news leisurely in his bright and luxurious office.

He was quite surprised when he saw Anson. He asked, "Anson, why are you here? You even came so early. Is there something wrong?" He said with a smile and got up from his office desk.

Anson smiled and said, "Uncle Phillip, good morning! Yes, I came here early because there's something I need to deal with."

How could he not be early?

If he came a little later, something significant would happen to his company.

"Okay! Sit down, let's talk about it!" Phillip pointed at the leather sofa with a gentle smile on his face. He sat on the sofa gracefully and signaled his secretary to bring two cups of coffee over.