Chapter 272 I Have Never Been Humiliated In Such A Way Like Today

"That’s right! It is indeed his life's work." Victor glanced at Phillip and spoke in an extremely sarcastic tone.

Phillip looked at Victor's mocking gaze and felt sad.

The battle between a father and a son was something he never wanted to face in his entire life.

"Victor, things haven't blown up yet. The company was founded by your mother and me..."

"Don't mention my mother!" Victor roared suddenly. His black eyes were fierce and he was furious.

Eden, who was standing beside him, was shocked by his sudden anger.

The other people present were also dumbfounded.

Eden had never seen such a terrifying Victor. He was filled with hatred.

"Victor, I..." Phillip didn’t expect such a response from Victor when he mentioned his mother.

Victor sneered as he looked at Phillip. His pitch-black eyes flickered and they exuded coldness.