Chapter 283 How Did They Find Out?

Lucian nodded and asked, "Eden, do know any computer expert around you, say, hackers? I checked the person who sent us the message today. His address is abroad."

"Oh!" Eden was slightly surprised. Who could be helping them abroad?

She shook her head and said doubtfully, "Secretary Ronen, I don't know any hacker. Is it possible that Mr. Alwynn's friend is helping him?"

Lucian smiled and shook his head. "That's impossible. I know all the people that Victor knows. I'm the only hacker by his side. There's no one else."

"Hehe..." Eden smiled and teased, "I didn't expect that the handsome and capable Secretary Ronen is actually a hacker."

Lucian realized that Eden seldom behaved like that. She was a little mischievous and her pure smile was contagious that she could make other people happy too.

Lucian's face turned red when he was complimented by Eden. He said with a smile, "I have been fond of computers since I was a kid. I received professional training after that.