Chapter 285 Do You Have to Make Me Get Mad At You?

"It's none of your business and I don’t have to answer you." After Victor had finished speaking, he walked past her and strode away. He did not look at Haven throughout the entire process.

Haven turned around quickly and looked at Victor’s departing back with a grim smile.

It seemed that Victor had already found Eden Clement.

However, Haven would not allow Eden to live because she didn’t want Victor to be together with Eden. Besides, she would not allow Eden to come back and snatch her status in the Clement family.

Haven felt strange when she saw Victor’s sudden change during this period. Eden Clement was the only person who could make Victor become defiant and gentle.

Haven wanted to find out Eden Bleu’s identity as soon as possible.

Haven was startled by the sudden loud sound of the horn. She looked over quickly and saw Vincent looking at her not far away in a luxury car.