Chapter 289 You Can\'t Afford to Mess With Me

Although Eden and Victor went downstairs without saying a word, Victor still enjoyed the quiet moments with Eden.

They arrived at the entrance of the building one after the other. Eden asked, "Victor, you said that the woman you had been waiting for has returned. Why didn't you go and find her but come to me for comfort instead?"

Victor looked sideways at her and asked with an evil smile, "Eden, why do you want me to find her?" He actually came to find her every day.

"I..." Eden wanted to speak but stopped on second thought. Why did she bring this up?

She looked at him and saw that he was smiling brightly and his black eyes were unusually charming.

She would definitely be mesmerized by him if she was a young girl who had just been exposed to love.

She might even be so involved that she could not get out of it.

It was a pity that she had lost the adorable behavior since long ago.