Chapter 299 It Would Really Be Her House In The Future

Jasper glanced at her and was still worried. "Eden, how can I not worry? Rebecca is a vicious person. The people whom Victor cares about would normally become a threat to Victor."

Eden felt relieved when she heard that.

She smiled and said, "Jasper, I am relieved to hear that. My relationship with Victor is just subordinate and superior. Rebecca should not find trouble with me."

Jasper was a little angry when he heard that. "Eden, you're just too kind. Rebecca has started to investigate you because she's already suspicious of you."

Eden recalled that she was in conflict with Rebecca when Rebecca stole her designs last time.

She smiled confidently and said, "Jasper, it doesn't matter. I'm not afraid of her!"

Jasper looked at her helplessly with a doting smile. "I know you're not afraid of her but I’m afraid that she'll do something to you secretly.

Rebecca likes to deal with people secretly."

It was very easy for Rebecca to destroy a person with her shady tactics.