Chapter 309 Are You Willing to be My Daughter?

Jaida was quite surprised when she heard that. She said solemnly, "Zaiden, you can’t joke about this matter. Eden was hurt by the Gienger family in the past."

Zaiden gave her a reassuring smile. "Jaida, do I look like I'm joking?"

Jaida couldn’t help but smiled when she saw his expression. "Anyway, I will rely on Eden for the rest of my life."

"What about me?" Zaiden looked at her jealously.

Jaida's face turned red instantly. She looked at Zaiden and said, "There will be a share for you too."

No words could describe how excited Zaiden was when he heard Jaida’s words.

He took Jaida's hand excitedly and said, "Jaida, do you really mean it?"

He finally got what he wanted after waiting and protecting her for so many years.

He always believed that life was right as long as he made the choice of his own accord. Generally, some degree of sacrifice would usually be involved when one wanted to obtain something.

Everything that we had done would be repaid in another way.