Chapter 311 She Was Simply Insane, She Wanted to Frame Victor Again

Rebecca had also seen Haven’s distracted look when she saw Victor.

"You know what I mean!" Vincent spoke coldly and turned to go downstairs.

"I..." Haven bit her lip and quickly followed him.

Anson smiled wryly as he narrowed his eyes and looked at Haven and Vincent’s departing backs.

Haven could not seize Victor but she would do her best to seize Vincent.

Only then she could live a wealthy life.

Anson had grown up together with all of them so he knew Haven’s character very well.

"Alas!" Phillip sighed heavily.

He glanced at Anson and asked, "Anson, how is Victor doing recently?"

Anson looked at Phillip in surprise.

Phillip actually took the initiative to care about Victor.

Anson smiled slightly and said indifferently, "Uncle Alwynn, Victor is doing very well."

Victor ate well and slept well because he had found Eden and had three children. Who else could be doing better than Victor at the moment?

He was doing so well that Anson was envious of him!