Chapter 316 Everything I Own Belongs to You

The next day was Sunday. Eden was free and she woke up naturally.

It was almost nine o'clock when she got up.

She washed up after that. She didn't plan to have a morning jog today. Instead, she planned to understand Darlene thoroughly and finished the theme she gave her!

After washing up, she turned on her laptop, opened the browser and found information about Darlene.

She browsed through every news carefully!

"Mom!" Giada shouted from outside.

Eden turned around to glance at her. She smiled gently. Giada had gotten up.

She got up to open the door. The morning sunlight entered the room through the cracks of the heavy curtains and the dappled light spread across the floor!

Eden opened the door and saw Giada carrying a small bag. She frowned and asked, "Gia, are you going out?"

"Yes!" Giada nodded her head with a smile. "Mom, give me some money. I am going to the library in the city center with Kenny. We feel bored staying at home for the whole day!"