Chapter 319 Why Should I Believe You?

Victor could not live without Eden.

He had been waiting for her for so many years!

He was grateful that Jasper took care of Eden and his children all these years.

Eden was the only girl who had ever made him want to live. He couldn’t and didn’t want to forget her.

Jasper looked at Victor angrily.

Victor smiled elegantly and said, "Jasper, I can only tell you that I will never hurt Eden no matter what I do. You just need to remember this."

"Why should I believe you?" Jasper's tone was filled with anger!

Victor sneered and said, "Jasper, do you have any other choice other than trusting me?"

"I... "

"I've finished lunch and I've already said what I should say. I'll take leave first!" Victor got up as he spoke and left gracefully under Jasper's angry gaze.

Jasper looked at Victor’s back. He got up angrily and chased after him.

"Victor, stop right there!"

Victor ignored him. He walked forward with his hands in his pockets.