Chapter 324 Why Couldn\'t He Keep His Mouth Shut?

Eden carried the lunch boxes and headed to Victor's office.

She was very grateful to him for what had happened today. If he had not protected her, she would be lying in the hospital in pain at the moment.

However, she hesitated when she reached the door of Victor's office.

She stood still for three full minutes before she helplessly shook off all the bad thoughts.

She raised her hand and knocked on the office door.

"Come in!" The voice was hoarse and alluring.

For some reasons, Eden became anxious when she heard the voice.

She pushed the door open and went in, only to see Victor coming out of the shower.

He hadn’t buttoned up the expensive tailored shirt he was wearing.

His sturdy chest was revealed and his slightly dripping hair caused him to exude an attractive and charming aura.

Eden's beautiful eyes widened and she quickly turned around.

Victor looked at her nervous back and smiled evilly.