Chapter 326 Kenny Was The One Whom Lucian Met At The Bookstore

"But..." Anson sat up straight and said, "Victor, Eden is also buying the Gienger family’s shares. It seems that she also wants to figure out her background and find her biological parents.

Jasper is also secretly helping her to look for her parents!"

"Yes!" Victor nodded. "I have met up with Jasper and we have talked about this matter. He also knows that I am investigating Eden. However, before that, we need to find out what happened to Eden that year.

We had spent a lot of money and manpower back then but we still couldn't find Eden.

The only possibility for the failure to find Eden is that she was taken to a very far place by the Gienger family. Go and investigate this matter. You can put other things aside first!"

Anson had a bitter expression on his face when he heard that.

He said seriously, "Victor, how about I open an investigation agency and you invest in it?"

There was a pin-drop silence in the office suddenly.