Chapter 333 Are You Sure You Didn\'t See Wrongly?

Kenneth laid down on the bed when he returned to his room. He took out his mobile phone and glanced at the WhatsApp message that Victor had sent him.

"Kenny, are you asleep?"

He had fallen asleep that night and only saw the message on the next day.

He didn't reply Victor after that.

He stared at the message for a while before he moved his fingers on the keyboard quickly. "Uncle Victor, thank you for sending my mother back!"

He had always had a question in his mind. Eden did not know who the children’s father was but what if their father was aware of the identity of their mother?

Henrick tugged the corner of lips and he slowly laid down on the bed.

Victor heard the WhatsApp notification the moment he arrived home and stepped into his house.

He looked down at his phone and saw that it was a WhatsApp message from Kenny.

He became excited instantly. He smiled and quickly replied the message.

"Kenny, no problem! Are you asleep?"

Kenneth was waiting for Victor’s reply.