Chapter 350 You Have to be Sure That You Can Win

Rebecca’s phone vibrated suddenly. Rebecca took a lot and saw that it was from Vincent. She picked up the phone quickly and swallowed hard to calm herself down before she answered the call. "Hello! Vin!"

"Mom, what's with the news online? It would cause the stocks of the Jotham Alwynn Group to plummet. Dad is lashing out in his office at the moment. You have to step out and explain what is really going on.

Who released the news?" Vincent was so anxious that he asked a lot of questions in a short period of time.

The Jotham Alwynn Group was in a mess at the moment because of this piece of news!

"I don't know. I asked my secretary to upload Victor and Eden's photos on the Internet to embarrass them. I didn’t know why it became like this suddenly. I don't know what's going on either." Rebecca's agitated voice trembled slightly.

Who was messing with her behind her back?