Chapter 353 I Told You to Get Out

Rebecca didn't care about the gossips around her. She ran straight to Phillip's office angrily.

The phone in Phillip's office rang continuously.

The secretary, Jaxon, kept answering the phone and explaining the situation.

Phillip was annoyed by that and he unplugged the phone line angrily.

The office became quiet instantly and Jaxon wiped the sweat on his face wearily.

Jaxon saw a video popping up on his computer screen when he opened his eyes. He quickly clicked and opened it.

It was the video where Rebecca slipped and fell in the living room on her own but she accused Victor of pushing her.

After that, Phillip and Vincent rushed over and accused Victor together.

"Chairman, come quickly and have a look at this." Jaxon called out in surprise.

Phillip who had a headache, held his forehead and said angrily, "What now? Is it bad news again?"