Chapter 357 He Was Already Very Satisfied

"Jasper, Jasper..." Eden called out anxiously but Jasper had already hung up the phone.

Eden's face turned pale instantly. She had always hoped she wouldn’t hurt Jasper.

That was the man she had never wanted to hurt!

She did not expect the news today would provoke him. She had always thought that Jasper was steady and mature, and was very clear of their relationship.


Eden's heart was churning with bitterness. The complicated emotions she felt had caused her entire body to tremble in pain.

She picked up the cold water on the table and took a few sips to sober herself up.

Victor walked back after he had finished talking on the phone.

He had a faint smile on his face. Kenny had called to ask him about Eden's situation because he was very worried!

Eden quickly composed herself when she saw that Victor had returned.

Her perception of Victor was different from anybody else.