Chapter 359 You\'re Very Cruel to Yourself

Eden was slightly stunned when she heard that. She thought that Jasper came here because he wanted to confront her about her relationship with Victor.

Jasper’s apology made Eden feel even more guilty!

Eden looked at him silently and smiled lightly. "Jasper, I'll pretend that nothing had happened yesterday.

Jasper, my stance is very clear and you know that too. You have a brilliant life and a better girl is waiting for you out there!"

Eden's tone was sad. Jasper was a good man who deserved to be entrusted as a boyfriend or husband.

However, she was not the woman who would grow old with him!

Jasper understood Eden’s thoughts. He had been with her for seven years and he knew her very well.

He smiled bitterly and looked at her with his clear eyes. "Eden, I don't care. My parents and Abigail don't care too. I like Kenny, Ricky and Gia very much but why did you..."

"Jasper!" Eden interrupted him.