Chapter 372 You Are Cyan

Eden frowned. Brody, Antony and Bethany were all here. They had come to the twenty-fifth floor directly.

Their purpose of coming here was obvious.

They didn't understand why Victor suddenly wanted to buy the Gienger's Group.

Even if he managed to buy the company, it would still be a mess. The Gienger family had suffered a great loss in the past few years. Victor would have to put in a lot of effort in order to make up for the losses!

The Gienger would not have lasted until now if it weren’t for the underhand methods that Bethany had used!

Antony glanced at Eden faintly and didn't say anything.

On the other hand, Brody and Bethany looked at her grimly.

Eden did not say anything. She saw Lucian walking towards them.

He was wearing a black shirt and a pair black trousers. He was tall and his black hair was elegant. He looked more gentle and was calmer than usual.

"Good morning, Secretary Ronen!" Eden smiled at him lightly.