Chapter 376 I Don\'t Accept Your Apology

Eden recalled Bethany’s words, "This is your fate and you should accept it!"

Eden glanced sideways at Bethany who was standing not far away.

Bethany was looking in her direction from time to time.

Her eyes seemed to be careless but they were extremely sharp.

"Eden, you..."

"Jasper, send me the information first. I will make the decision. Don't worry, I won't be soft-hearted." Eden interrupted him suddenly.

Jasper was silent for a while before he responded light and hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Eden did not walk back to face Bethany. She went straight back to her office instead. She was very busy today.

Bethany looked at Eden's back coldly and smiled coldly. She did not intend to let Eden go.

She shouted suddenly, "Eden, don't go. Since we are all here, let's make it clear. Just admit that you are Cyan in front of Mr. Alwynn.

You can deceive us but not Mr. Alwynn.