Chapter 379 I Was Serious Before

Eden came to her senses and looked at Amelia. She forced a faint smile and said, "Amelia, you can go and eat! I'm not hungry!"

She had no appetite to eat at the moment. She felt sad and her mind was filled with random thoughts.

She was on the verge of breaking down. She had to adjust her mentality and finish today's work. She liked to complete her tasks daily and would not put them off until the next day.

When Amelia heard that, she said, "Director Bleu, you have to eat something. Why don't I bring a sandwich for you? You can eat it when you are hungry!"

"Okay! Thank you, Amelia." Eden nodded.

Amelia got up and went out of the office to have lunch.

Eden was the only one left in the office. She shed her tough appearance and slumped wearily on the desk!

She felt like she had been living a tired life every day ever since she came back to River City!

She felt that she was getting closer to the truth and she felt an indescribable panic in her heart.