Chapter 392 My Daughter Is Really Filial

Zofia who was sitting at the side said, "Eden, Aunt Jaida, Kenny, all of you haven't had dinner yet. Let's have dinner first!"

When Eden heard that, she looked at Zofia and smiled, "Zofia, I feel hungry indeed when you reminded us that we haven’t eaten but we'd better wait for a while. Dad should be back soon."

"Okay!" Zofia also looked at her and smiled warmly.

Eden also couldn't help but smile warmly too!

She said, "Zofia, you have worked the whole day. Quickly go and have a rest!"

Zofia shook her head and said, "Eden, I'm not tired. My aunt has come to help and I've found three workers. I don't have to do much every day. I can also come back early without any worries!"

Eden asked, "Business must be very good, right?"

Zofia smiled and said, "Eden, thanks to you and your family. The location of the store is great and the business is very good!"

She felt much better now that she was doing business and had a good daily income!