Chapter 401 Who Bullied You?

Perhaps that would not lead to subsequent incidents, including the one which occurred today.

Eden ran out of the parking lot.

Dawson had been waiting for her outside. When he saw her running out crying, he shouted worriedly, "Eden, are you all right?"

Eden had just realized that Dawson was still waiting for her. She wiped away her tears and turned around to look at Dawson. She said, "Dawson, I want to be alone for a while. You can go back first. Thank you for your help today!"

Eden walked out after she had apologized to Dawson!

Dawson knew that she wasn't in a good mood so he didn't disturb her. Perhaps it was better for her to be alone!

He took out his mobile phone and called Zaiden. After reporting Eden’s situation to Zaiden, he drove back home.

The neon lights and street lamps made the street look colorful and many advertisements flashed across the skyscarpers. The flickering lights landed on Eden's face that was full of tears.