Chapter 407 I Told You That He Is A Great Guy

Victor said, "Eden, although I have acquired the Gienger family's company, I didn't intend to demolish the building. I want to keep it because of the shares you owned in the company.

I know that deep down, you still can't let go of the Gienger family so I didn't push them into a dead end. They are still holding some of the shares and will get dividends every year. That could help them live a normal life.

I will develop the area and focus it on children's clothing.

You will have to work hard in the future!"

Eden looked at him in surprise when she heard that.

He actually had such a thought.

She quickly said, "Victor, you don't have to do this..."

"Eden, I know you very well." Victor interrupted Eden quickly.

No matter how much she hated the Gienger family in the past, she was still kind. Bethany had reaped what she had sown.

However, Eden still would not feel good.

Eden would feel worse if he pushed the Gienger family into a dead end!