Chapter 415 Who Are You Referring to?

Eden's phone rang suddenly at the moment.

Eden glanced at her phone and answered the call when she saw that it was from Jasper.

"Hey! Jasper!"

Jasper asked worriedly, "Eden, I saw the news this morning. Are you all right?"

Eden smiled coldly and said, "Jasper, you don't have to worry about me! I'm fine. Some people with evil intentions spread the rumors because they want to ruin my reputation!

I'm not afraid because I am innocent. They can say whatever they want!"  

As Eden spoke, she glanced at Haven purposely.

Haven was responsible for what had happened previously.

She must have something to do with this matter too!

Jasper said, "Eden, don't worry. I've already started investigating the matter. I'll find out who's behind this soon!"

"Okay!" Eden nodded slightly.

"Jasper, I'll hang up then. I have a lot of work to do today!"

"Okay! Eden, go for it!" Jasper cheered for Eden on the other end of the phone.

"Hehe..." Eden hung up the phone with a smile on her face!