Chapter 417 Because We Are In The Same Boat

Eden glanced at the phone number and saw that it was an unknown number!

She was confused but she still answered the phone.

"Hello! Who's there?"

"Hello, Director Bleu, I am..."

Eden was still holding her phone to her ear even when the other party had hung up for a while!

She was slightly stunned for a moment before she put down her phone slowly.

She was not bothered by the rumors online but that didn’t mean other people were not bothered by that!

It would affect other people even though it didn’t affect her.

Jaida had been sending messages to her via WhatsApp.

Eden had replied to Jaida and told her that she was fine.

Zaiden was also very worried about her. She thought that it was sufficient that her family trusted her. 

In this big society, her family could tolerate her but that did not mean that others would do the same too!

Someone must have been secretly manipulating the incidents the past two days.

Who could it be?

Familiar faces flashed across Eden's mind.