Chapter 419 You Will Never Get What You Want

Eden looked at Phillip silently when she heard that. Victor had told her about this before.

Therefore, she had been guarding her heart and preventing herself from falling in love with Victor. She was truly moved by Victor when he treated her well sometimes.

Even someone would not easily fall in love like her would be captivated by him.

When Phillip saw that Eden did not speak, he continued, "That's the girl whom Victor has been obsessed with his entire life.

She is Victor’s only childhood memory.

Now you know how important that girl is to Victor!

Haven was right. Victor would only cast his eyes on you probably because you are also called Eden.

In order not to let both you and Victor get hurt, I think it’s best that we talk it out!"

Eden clenched her fists tightly and suppressed the anger in her heart before she said calmly, "President, my relationship with Victor is not what you think it is. I won't leave because I need the job."