Chapter 426 Don\'t Quarrel With Kenny

Eden said with a smile, "That's because Kenny is smart. Gia, you must be careful on the way there!"

Gia asked with a smile, "Mom, are you still scared of what happened last time? Don't worry. I suffered last time but that won’t happen anymore."

As she spoke, she put the money in her bag.

"Okay!" Eden could not help but think of what Phillip had said to her.

The rich and powerful families could really do anything.

She said worriedly, "Gia, on second thoughts, it’s best if you don't go out."

Giada frowned and looked at Eden helplessly. She smiled and said, "Mom, don't worry. Just recuperate at home. If you're still worried, I can send you a WhatsApp message every half an hour to report my safety."

Eden looked at Giada’s delicate face. The thin fringes fluttered gently near her cheeks, making her fair face look even more beautiful.

Giada had become more beautiful as she grew older. Her clear and bright eyes were captivating.