Chapter 445 You Failed

Victor raised his head slightly to look at her cut side face. His deep eyes were as bright as stars, and on his exceptionally handsome face, a playful smile could be seen.

He said gently, "Eden, thank you for everything." And thank you for coming back.

Eden slowly turned around and calmly looked at him with her bright big eyes. "Do you know that these strange movements and words will cause me a lot of trouble?" Her tone was low, and there were other meanings in it.

For example, Victor should not come to her.

For example, his father.

His father had warned her to leave the Alwynn Group.

But she turned a deaf ear to it. She still came to work today.

She was determined to do this job and would not be scared off easily. But sometimes, she had to admit that the reality was crueler than she imagined.

Whether she could get through depended on her willpower.