Chapter 450 Mr. Alwynn Seems Not Bad

Buddy looked at her knee-jerk reaction, and the doubts in his heart were getting stronger and stronger.

What did she mean by "will not let her go home"?

What was Haven doing behind their backs?

Haven put on a smile and said, "Buddy, I hung out with a friend after work just now. Are you going out?"

"Mmm!" Buddy gave her a deep look. It was getting late, so he didn't say anything more.

He turned around and headed for the garage.

Haven looked at his back and smiled slightly. "Buddy, I hope we will be family for the rest of our lives.

Eden Clement will never come back, and we are living our good life forever."

No one could rob anything from her.

The deepest and shallowest things in the world were emotions, which could affect people's minds. She could never tolerate Eden Clement.

If she came back, all the love of the Clement family would be poured on her. They would spend the rest of their lives making up for the mistake they had made 20 years ago.