Chapter 456 I Believe You

Eden glanced at the male reporter in front of her and saw that he was gloating. His eyes were full of malicious intentions. She narrowed her eyes slightly, not saying anything.

The purpose of these reporters waiting here was to record this scene.

It seemed that Haven had arranged everything carefully.

Eden knew it in her heart. But no matter how she tried to explain now, no one would believe her.

She had no evidence, which proved that she had not pushed Haven.

When the male reporter saw Eden keep silent, he asked aggressively, "Director Bleu, why don't you speak? Why did you push Miss Clement? What on earth is there for you to hate her so much?

Rumor has it that you raise children out of wedlock..."

Victor suddenly said angrily, "You shut up!"

The male reporter suddenly laughed and said in a very arrogant tone, "Mr. Alwynn, this is a proper interview. You have no right to stop me."